24 Mar 2013

Songs to enjoy!!!

Hello kids… Before holiday, I asked Miguel (music teacher) about the songs you have already learnt with him. I looked for the videos with the lyrics and uploaded them! So, you can continue practicing them in the “Our Songs” section. Enjoy them… AND YOUR HOLIDAYS!!!

9 Mar 2013


Hello... Finally, it looks like I am trying to make my best on the blog... Better late than never!
Please, check it as often as possible... I'll keep on trying to update the blog anytime my busy schedule allow me to!!! Thanks for understanding...
I am so happy to be with you all again!

Remember this...

Hello kids...
You will find and could read some "QUOTES" (that is... "citas", "frases" which transmit a message to make you think about life), I really love them.
Here are the first ones...