24 Jan 2014

External Exams KET/PET

Remember that you can click on the REFERENCES label to keep on practicing on grammar and the external KET/PET exams.
I am going to upload as many exams as possible. Don´t forget to check it!


  1. Hello MªLuisa I have been playing the ket/pet games and they are very funny

  2. Good morning Mary Luis y have been reading the books that you told.It was very fun =D
    See you school kisses

  3. Hi Mary Luise i have been practising english and I have
    been listening the phonics song
    See you =)

  4. Good morning Mary Luis!!!!!
    I have been reading the english book, i ♥ it so much. I think this book is the most interesting that i read.
    See you at school !!!!!!!! =)
